Friday, March 14, 2014

Mischief managed

 I wrote this very first entry about my exchange student experience many weeks ago… Realized I didn't really published it anywhere.

It’s is the end of my first week in Singapore, and I’m sitting in my dorm room alone…bored…not because there is nothing else to do in the city, but because I lost my voice :( I “blame” crazy air conditioners. Also, I went to Sentosa Island last night and swam a little bit… All of this made me sick. All the physical symptoms remind me that my body needs to rebalance itself and relax, which appears impossible during the orientation week (perhaps everyone has experienced at least one orientation week in their lives, when you enter a new society/environment and you want to learn/explore/communicate = no place for sleep). On a happy note, I finally have time to geoblog about my first days. I will describe why I think Singapore is a wonderful place for studying abroad.

Reason 1 Singapore is multinational, multireligious, multilingual… It is a home for about five million people, and about 10 million people annually visit Singapore. It keeps fascinating me everyday with its diversity, cuisine, hospitality, etc. The very first thing that I did here is I went to the city tour with a group of exchange students, which was organized by the iCare (university project for international students). We visited old parts of Singapore, which embodied the coexistence of Malaysian, Chinese, Indian cultures. Here are some wonderful things that we saw:

Colorful Arab Street with good food and nice shopping. Here you can find such things as Persian carpets, halal alcohol free perfume, handmade bags, scarves and souvenirs

Chinese Part of Singapore and preparation for Chinese New Year + beautiful temple

Later, my friends and I went to see the Garden by the Bay, which is situated next to the Marina Bay financial clusters. It is regarded as symbolic of Singapore's status as a premier tropical Garden City, and embodies the notion of work-play-live environment. Through the creation of such a perfect environment, Gardens by the Bay seek to position Singapore as a leading global city of the 21st century and botanical capital of the world. And this is the reason No. 2 why I like Singapore - it is very beautiful and green. To turn Singapore into a Garden City was a mission of ex prime-minister, Lee Kuan Yew. 

Here is another Garden Picture - this time Singapore's Botanic Garden: